10 Fears Stopping Your Spiritual Ascension

10 Fears Stopping Your Spiritual Ascension

Fears. We all have them, but did you know they can be stopping your spiritual ascension? You many be making great progress on your spiritual journey, but these fears, if not addressed directly can sneak in and derail our progress or worse, not even allow us to start our journey. 
Here are the 10 FEARS that can be stopping you, how they show up in our life and how we can instead focus on our 10 DESIRES in order to ascend.
1.Fear of the Unknown

The fear of the unknown is really debilitating. Starting a new journey is scary and we don't really know what is on the other side. What is looming around the corner if you get serious about your spiritual ascension? Who will be there to guide you? Can you really do it by yourself? What will spiritual ascension look like or feel like? How will you know it has began? 

To all of these hard questions we have to lay deeply into our DESIRE FOR INNER PEACE AND BALANCE. A spiritual journey is an unknown journey. There is no blueprint or guided path. No two journeys are exactly the same. You have to lean into your inner self, dig deep, and take the plunge. The unknown will be both pleasant and unpleasant and both will result in inner peace if addressed properly. Letting go and facing the unknown will also bring balance into your life in many ways. First of all you will be letting in what you have been resisting causing balance. Next you will start to tackle the unknown battles, bringing in even more balance in the long run.

2. Fear of Failure

During your spiritual ascension you may begin to fear failure. Failure is not an option or reality during spiritual ascension. You may make mistakes and want to do something differently, but what has already occurred is not a failure. Failure lives in the 3D reality of human life and only sabotages. Pick yourself up and dive back into whatever it was you were pursing or take time to truly define what it is you are trying to pursue. We also fear failure in spiritual ascension because we are scared of the fact that there is no one size fits all approach. Picking a medium, meditation or guide can be scary and we may feel like we are going to make a wrong choice, which would lead to failure. This is not possible. Whatever step you decide to take first will be the right step no matter the end the result. 

The DESRIE here is to have a DEEPER CONNECTION TO THE SPIRITUAL REALM. In order to obtain this desire we have to let of the notion of failure. Each step we take in our spiritual ascension is there for a reason and is meant to teach us a valuable lesson.

3. Fear of Judgement from Others

To often we fear the judgement of others. Let me stop you there! Stop worrying, caring or giving thought to the judgement of others. Going through a spiritual ascension is a one of a kind experience that some people in our life will just not understand. If is not your job to educate them or justify your behavior. Find people that will understand your ascension and share with them your experience. 

The DESIRE here is PERSONAL GROWTH AND SELF DISCOVERY. Keep you mind's eye set on that desire and you will be on a life long journey of personal growth and self discovery. As we grow and discover who we are we are going to move through uncomfortable feelings and memories. We cannot worry about what others will think as we go through that process. We are here to experience that memory and/or feeling, observe it, and grow/discover from it.

4. Fear of Confronting Painful Emotions

Let's face it, a spiritual ascension would not be one without facing painful emotions. We have to enter into a spiritual ascension fully aware that memories, feelings, and big emotions are going to move through us. During our spiritual ascension it is a time to dissect the things that we have suppressed, ignored, or masked. It can be scary and uncomfortable letting those emotions move through us.

The DESIRE here is to MOVE THROUGH PAST TRAUMA. This is not something everyone wants to confront. I commend you for facing your trauma and letting it move through you. Being able to do so shows how much you are willing to heal and how you are ready to spiritually ascend.

5. Fear of Losing Old Identity

When we go through a spiritual ascension the old you you once knew will fade away. This person will be left behind and a new person will evolve. Sometimes it will be hard to remember that old person and that old identity may even embarrass us. However you have to remember, we all started somewhere along this spiritual path. Sometime this old identity will make itself known through a current situation. You may either decide to fall back into old habits and let that old person surface, or you may recognize the situation and analyze how the old you would have reacted versus the new you who reacted instead. 

The DESRIE here IS TO GAIN CLARITY AND PURPOSE IN LIFE. When we lose our old self, we make room for a new self to emerge. This new self will come with new clarity and purpose in life. We need to make room for those two things. A spiritual ascension is all about gaining clarity in this 3D human experience and living out our true life's purpose.

6. Fear of Isolation

Going through a spiritual ascension can feel very lonely. Our partners, lovers, families, or children, may not understand what we are going through and may not even be interested in trying to understand what we are going through. We fear being alone and many times we will be making such big breakthroughs we will have an urge to share it with someone. 

The DESIRE here is to have ENHANCED INTUITION AND INSIGHT. When we are isolated we then have to rely on our higher self, the universe and source ( whom we view God as). Without the other noise coming through we are going to here them talk. This will increase your intuition and insight to great new levels. So do not fear isolation as it is a way to develop your relationships that will carry you throughout your ascensions.

7. Fear of Spiritual Bypassing

There will be time a we fear Spiritual Bypassing. This means that we are using our spiritual ascension as a mean to escape. There are many things we can try to escape in this 3D Earthly realm, such as, emotions, memories, people, situations, or anything we deem uncomfortable. We will use spiritual practices as an avoidance mechanism, but in the end achieve nothing because nothing is being addressed head on. We may use mediation, yoga, card reading, dreams, or any other spiritual practice as a means to escape. 

What we will DESIRE IS CONNECTION WITH LIKE MINDED PEOPLE. If spiritual bypassing is creeping up in your practices or maybe you are already doing it, it is important to surround yourself with like minded people. However, just like our fear of the unknown and isolation it is hard to put yourself out there in order to find those like minded people. One way to start out is too look for blogs such as this one, podcast such as the one hosted by RavenRabbit and social media accounts that will shift your life. There are countless great humans out there sharing spiritual ascension information ready for you to come consume it.

8. Fear of False Teachings

The fear of false teaching is a very valid and concerning issue that comes up in the world of spirituality. However, if you fear it to the point that you are not consuming any teachings, you are holding yourself back even further. Sometimes false teachings our placed in our path for a reason. It can give us time to spend with our higher self to analyze the teachings, channel information and make decisions about the information received. 

The DESIRE here is to MASTER METAPHYSICAL TEACHINGS. We can only achieve this through consuming information, whether it is 3d Earthly created information or even channeled information. We need not to fear the information that is presented to us, but rather experts in deciphering which is worth keeping and what is not.

9. Fear of Overwhelming Experiences

Going through a spiritual ascension is not for the light hearted. This may have you fearing overwhelming experiences that come with the territory. You may fear the spiritual practice you decided to explore, you may fear confronting painful emotions, or you may fear the unseen. Fearing overwhelming experiences is common should be embraced. 
When we fear overwhelming experiences we are truly DESIRING PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALING. A spiritual ascension is a healing path. Healing can be difficult. The overwhelming experience we are going to face will led us to the newer, transformed versions of ourselves.
10. Fear of Being Deceived by Fake Gurus
There are a lot of phony baloneys out there, however we do not need to fear them, we just need to be cautious of them. The fear may come from being burned by fake gurus in the past or if you are healing from traumatic or untrustworthy relationships from the past. If you have faced a faked guru from the past, I deeply encourage that to be a big part of your spiritual ascension process as you heal and overcome the deceit. 
The reason we fear fake gurus is because we DESIRE TO BE ALIGNED WITH OUR HIGHER SELF AND OUR PURPOSE. If we are lied to, it can make it feel as though this alignment is out of tune, but the best thing to do is to lean into our higher self and purpose even more. Our high self never lies to us. It is our job to understand why the experience was sent to us and what we were supposed to learn from the experience. The fake guru may reveal something very important about our life's purpose that we could have not experienced in any other way. 
In conclusion, we need to lean into our fears and let our DESIRES shine through them. For those fears will reveal our Spiritual Ascension path one step at a time. 


Here's the list for a quick reference: 

  1. Fear of the Unknown
  2. Fear of Failure
  3. Fear of Judgement from Others
  4. Fear of Confronting Painful Emotions
  5. Fear of Losing Old Identity
  6. Fear of Isolation
  7. Fear of Spiritual Bypassing
  8. Fear of False Teachings
  9. Fear of Overwhelming Experiences
  10. Fear of Being Deceived by Fake Gurus

By: Dr. Rev. Jackie Cope

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